
My Story

As the mother of two autistic children, I've run in to my fair share of issues when going out. This is basically a catalog of places my family and I go. The good, the bad and the ugly. We're looking for places that can handle our children without feeling like a pariah. Most places will be in the Phoenix area, but we like a good drive and don't plan on letting autism slow down our love of travel.

So let me tell you a little about my family. My eldest child, Ivy, is almost 8 years old and severely autistic. Lot of scripting and aggressive behaviors that make going out a challenge. My son Avery is five years old and though also autistic, expresses this mainly in poor social skills and severe anxiety. Of course, this isn't everything that describes my kids and their quirks but this gives a general idea of what we're dealing with.

In general I'm a pretty open person about our struggles. Any questions, please feel free to email me at :

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